What is a video marketing strategy - The Ultimate Guide


A video marketing strategy is meant to help you create a clear plan, outline goals and objectives, and thoroughly research and investigate every aspect regarding the creation of online videos. The best thing about it is that this process can be done from home or office with minimal investment as long as you have access to necessary equipment.

What Is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is a great way to connect with your audience, share your brand message and expertise, and tell the story of what you do.

You can use video marketing in many different ways:

  • Video ads on Facebook or Instagram
  • YouTube videos that accompany blog posts or emails
  • In-store promotions (such as offering free samples)
  • On-demand content for customers who want more information about a product or service

How to Make a Video Marketing Strategy?

In order to make an effective video marketing strategy, it's important to define the problem. What are you trying to accomplish? What is your goal? What do you want the end result of your video campaign to be?

It's also important not just think about what other people are doing with their time and money in terms of making videos, but also consider how they're achieving those goals. The key difference between a successful video marketing strategy and someone else's is that yours should fit with yours—if there isn't enough content on YouTube or Facebook right now for example, then don't worry about making one unless there's something specific that will help strengthen their brand presence (like showing off new products). If someone else has done everything right already then feel free! Just don't forget why we started this whole thing in the first place: because we love fitness and want everyone else out there who loves fitness too!

Things to Consider when Creating Your Video Marketing Strategy

When you set out to create a video marketing strategy, the first thing to consider is how well your content will be received. You want to make sure that the audience is engaged in your message and willing to share it with others. If they aren't interested in what you have to say, then there's no point in making any videos at all!

The second major factor when creating your video marketing strategy is how much time and effort it will take. This can vary depending on the kind of videos that you're making and their length (short vs long), but even so, there are some general guidelines:

Goals and Objectives

Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives of your video marketing strategy are the foundation of your entire plan. They help you focus on what you want to achieve, define your video marketing strategy, and set a timeline for success.

Market Research

Before you can even begin to think about how to market your video, you have to know who will be watching it and why. The most important thing to do here is conduct research on your target audience and search for keywords that will bring them in.

If possible, speak with existing customers or prospects who have similar needs as yours so that they can give you feedback on what kind of content resonates with them. You should also look at other videos produced by people in your niche (both good ones & bad ones). This way, when making decisions about what kind of content works best for each channel type (webinar vs e-mail series), there will be some precedent available for reference purposes!

Defining Your Audience

If you're not sure who your audience is, it's time to figure that out. This is the first step in creating a video marketing strategy and will help you determine what kind of content they'll want to see on their platform.

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What are their demographics?
  • What are their interests?
  • What are their needs?
  • How do I know if someone has bought from me before or not (e-commerce)?
  • What hobbies do they have (for example: sports)?

Target Keywords for Video Marketing Strategy

Target Keywords for Video Marketing Strategy

Target keywords are the keywords that you want to rank for. They're the ones that people use when they type in a search term, like "how to build muscle." When considering target keywords, think about what kind of content you want to share with your audience and how much traffic it will bring in. For example, if you're looking at creating a video about health tips for women over 40 or something similar, then one way to get more views is by targeting these age groups specifically (and not just general fitness).

Budget for Your Video Marketing Strategy

You should budget for your video marketing strategy.

How much you should expect to spend on video: You’ll want to set aside enough money for the entire campaign, but there are ways that you can save money and still get great results. For example, if you have the resources available and don’t have any budget constraints (like being a startup), then this is an ideal time for you to begin exploring options outside of traditional advertising channels like TV commercials or newspaper ads.

Formatting the Videos for Different Platforms

The formatting requirements for different platforms are different. YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram all have their own specific formatting requirements that you need to meet in order to use them successfully. For example:

  • YouTube requires that your video be less than 15 seconds long (or just over). Make sure you’re not going over this limit by trimming off any parts that are unnecessary or boring.
  • Facebook has stricter guidelines on what kinds of videos they will allow on their platform—videos featuring celebrities and other popular people won't be allowed unless they're "sponsored" by someone else's brand; similarly, videos made as part of an advertisement campaign could also cause problems if they aren't properly labeled as such when uploaded onto Facebook's site.* *Instagram does not require any special types of formats but does ask for certain things like including links within the video itself (for example: “Click here for more information about my company!”)

A video marketing strategy is meant to help you create a clear plan, outline goals and objectives, and thoroughly research and investigate every aspect regarding the creation of online videos.

Before you start on your video marketing strategy, it's important to define the problem. What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want more customers? More sales? Better rankings in Google? If so, what are those goals and how do they relate back to your business' goals?

Once you know what it is that needs solved, set up some goals for yourself. You should be ambitious with these goals but stay realistic at the same time—you don't want them so lofty that they're unattainable or unrealistic. For example: if an entrepreneur wants more customers but doesn't have any experience with marketing or selling online products yet (and hasn't had success with previous businesses), maybe their first step would be setting a goal like "get 50 new clients within one year." This isn't necessarily achievable by just anyone who's starting out on a new path; however, if this entrepreneur has enough determination and drive then there's no reason why he couldn't reach this number within three months—or even six months!


You will be able to create your video marketing strategy by closely analyzing the market, defining your target audience, researching keywords and platforms, budgeting carefully for this endeavor, and formatting all of your videos.

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